Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 28

I realized I had promised to share my javalina pictures with you and have not - so here they are! They look like cute little pigs but they are nasty mean critters - they can tear a dog apart.


Fashion Schlub said...

they're pets? or wild...?

Iris said...

My question also?

Kat Simpson said...

My question too, I never saw them in town - just out in the wild areas and at the Desert Museum - are those running wild in your wash? Wow! They must be doing well lately in population!

Bettye - no pets - can't be tamed - very nasty critters

365DaysInTucson said...

They would come out of the wash each evening or early morning, they knock over trash cans, tear up flower beds and cause general havoc! I hated them! grrrrr....
Very wild nasty smelly animals!