Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 11

After those afternoon storms we get some incredible rainbows! I wish I had had a wide angle camera because this was an entire rainbow! Well except for missing the pot of gold at the end!



Wow, I love the first one!

You're sending your monsoon weather back to us this week -- we get the humidity back starting tomorrow. We had two lovely dry days --- ugh!

Iris said...

Really lovely photos Danni. We only have rainbows rarely.

Jai Johnson • JaiArt.Com said...

Oh, these photos just take my breath away!

Robin said...

I love rainbows.

In fact, a rainbow over our property is responsible for us buying it.

Fashion Schlub said...

ooh! ahh!

Danimal21qi said...

These pictures are lovely.. I remember driving home after it and the view in front of me down Lambert was AMAZING!

Kat Simpson said...

wonderful - great catch!